Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Discerning the spirits of antichrist in the third wave movement

Someone on the internet posted this video recently which has now suspiciously been marked private. Are they trying to hide something? They claimed how beautiful this song was and mentioned that one should give this song a listen. They stated, "give it 30 seconds, if your not captivated, I'll be amazed."  
This is a serious lesson in discerning a spirit of antichrist operating.. pay attention.. songs like these may sound beautiful but as I will show in the following comments that this is a new age counterfeit spirit and this is not of God's Holy Spirit. Seeing this song is removed there are many others on You Tube by this couple that you can see for yourself how "new age" they really are. And all of this in the "name" of Jesus Christ. Take note: these are all friends of Jason Upton, Rick Pino, and Michael Tyrell. Have they repented? No they have not! Learn to discern as you read.... This is these "so called" worship leader's Facebook page... Alberto and Kimberly Rivera Facebook fan page  
Here is their mission statement... "We met in 1996 at a church in downtown Nashville, Tennesse. Alberto came from Santiago, Chile, and Kimberly had just moved from Cookeville, Tennessee. As we began our friendship, we saw that the Lord had given us the same heart of passion for the Presence of God and a common vision for the His Kingdom. When we first began to minister together, we worshiped with songs that had been previously written. However, the deeper we went in our pursuit of the Lord, we sensed Him calling us to take the risk of going beyond worshiping with familiar songs to a new and unfamiliar journey pursuing His presence through fresh, spontaneous songs. The more time we spent in worship and prayer, the more apparent it became to both of us that the Lord was calling us to more than just a friendship. As a result, we were married in August 9th of 1997. As we continued to minister, the Lord began to show us His passion for intimacy with His Bride, and we began to experience a sense of the Father's intense longing for His children to draw near to His heart. We so treasure the songs that the Lord has given us, as they came forth in live settings out of our journey of pursuing the presence of the Lord with people of the same desire to know Him more deeply. We currently reside in Franklin, Tennessee where we are a part of Grace Center church. We also do some traveling in which we demonstrate and impart what the Lord is teaching us concerning the ways of His Presence. We want to see the church saturated with the atmosphere and sound of Heaven! We believe that this generation is destined to tap into those fresh sounds and release them here on earth. We believe that when Heaven's atmosphere is experienced, we will see the manifest presence of the Lord released in greater power and miraculous demonstration. We believe that a new kind of music is coming--music of which the sole purpose is to be a conduit for God's presence! In this day and age, the main emphasis in the music industry is on the artist, the style, the craftsmanship of the songs, the musicians or the quality of the recordings. While these things are important from an earthly vantage point, they are not really all that important from an eternal perspective. We long to release music that will point to Jesus and not merely to the artists or to the music itself. We believe that "Presence" music will be the only thing that will satisfy the hunger and desperation that is intensifying in the hearts of mankind for the presence of the Lord, and will be instrumental in ushering in a revival that will sweep across the nations."   This is clearly new age because they believe it is a "sound" that will change people. We know that our Bibles teach us that only Jesus Christ can change people and this takes place by the WORD of GOD.
Now if you look through their pictures in their "fun" album and you are not familiar with who their associations are I will name a few....
Georgian Banov who is part of "drunkenness" anointing of John Crowder heresies.. They have done conferences together.
Oh look there in the center is Michael Tyrell who is a so called "worship" leader and musician. He is a worship mentor to Rick Pino and is close friends with Jason Upton. I have been in conversations with him and he refuses to listen to the truth.
  Here is a video of Michael telling his story of an "angel" and how they got whacked "in the spirit."
Here is Upton who claims to have an angel singing with him on his music....this is NOT an angel of God...
There also is a man from South America in the video below who had this same "angelic" occurrence in his music. These are counterfeit manifestations. They are demons masquerading as "angels of light." 
On the left in this next picture you will notice the false prophet Joshua Mills. He is known for manifesting lying signs and wonders including dripping oil from his hands and gold dust. This man is a sorcerer.
In this picture you can see Joshua Mills in the back of their limo.
Here is a video of Alberto and Kimberly being interviewed on Steve Shultz' Elijah List prophetic t.v. Take note that many of these who defend these false teachers claim to have no associations with the Elijah list yet they follow those who appear on the Elijah List prophetic t.v. show. I mean HELLO!!!!
Here they are on none other than the 700 club! If any of these folks represent God, where is their discernment? There are many more videos to be found of these types of things on the internet and YouTube. If you desire truth and do not want to promote error, do some research. Be a Berean like those in the book of Acts! Take some responsibility!
I stumbled upon another picture in their "fun" folder. It is JoAnn Mcfatter standing next to Kimberly. JoAnn is a witch and uses divination regularly.  She is also in the video above with Michael Tyrell talking about the "angel." If you read the comments on this picture on their Facebook page, someone makes a comment that there is an angel standing behind her. It looks like devil horns to me.
The following link is Joann's website and reveals that she is currently associated with WhiteDove ministries which is founded by Paul Keith Davis and Bob Jones...  Joannmcfatter.com 
This next picture is none other than Julie Meyer who has prophesied a tremendous amount of lies like the rest in the above comment posts. She has been a worship leader to IHOP and several other movements. 
All of these so called "leaders" in the charismatic movement are just a drop in the bucket to the many evil associations and false prophets going on today. What I have shown in this blog should be more than enough to make anyone who is REALLY seeking truth to take a step back, question and ask God why they all fellowship like one big club? Yet, there is never any true Biblical correction, just the spreading of "words" year after year; false promises that never come to fruition. 
1 Corinthians 15:33 
New American Standard Bible Do not be deceived: "Bad company corrupts good morals." King James Bible Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.
Here is another example of how this is made to "look" like the Holy Spirit but is in fact a counterfeit spirit. I do believe in the true prophetic song of the Lord and this is not it. This is witchcraft.